The first graduates emerge from complete Intensive Blockchain Training in Africa IT Academy Gebeya Inc. The report has it that 11 African developers have graduated from an intensive blockchain training program in Gebeya Inc. The concept was initially dubbed “DaaS” (Developer as a Service) before its name was changed to “Gebeya.” The IT Academy is a tech initiative that cuts across all countries in Africa; it is expanding rapidly as it will be a good sooth for the high demand of Blockchain technicians. Indeed the academy set out to solve a problem as it successfully turns individual potentials into I.T professionals.

This training means the graduates have been equipped with related skills needed to work on and develop blockchain projects. This is certainly advancement for the African continent in the Blockchain space. Gebeya Inc IT academy is well known so far in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Djibouti.  The training program lasted for 40 hours across 7 days. They set out instill expertise into candidates with beginner-intermediate level experience and/or knowledge and just as much to train them enough for them to in turn train other beginner level candidates. Gebeya hopes to train as many as 1,000 blockchain developers in Africa with this, even much more if possible.

The African continent is not exactly in the top spot for producing software engineers. The South African, Kenyan, Nigerian, and Egyptian countries have in their record of higher education facilities that cover science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects. This is just four out of much more in the continent. This may be a wakeup call for Investors and NGO and philanthropists in the African continent to possibly direct time and resources to a good cause of training their youths in not just blockchain but the technology field at large. The news has it that Africa contributed about 3% of the $1.3 trillion to the global IT revenue. Notable is that Africa is the world’s second-largest and second-most-populous continent. Its population culminates to 1.2 billion people and it accounts for 15% of the global population.

This may account for a reason many foreign or local companies hit futility in finding technological labor when looking to employ in the African continent. Africa would, on the other hand, have to import such labor in event of the need for them. Also, developers in Africa wouldn’t have to explore opportunities elsewhere if the right energy is put creating initiatives to utilize their potential. A reason to stay will not only give the developers necessary advanced training but create possibilities of new technological milestones in African Technology

It is therefore commendable that Gebeya  – meaning “marketplace” in Amharic has made sure trainees are immediately productive and ready to join the IT workforce upon graduation. This advanced training program focuses on cutting edge technologies that are running the digital industry all across the world. The Co-founder and Chief Executive of the academy, Amadou Daffe spills that their aim is to rigorously train Africa’s next generation of blockchain developers. In a quote, he said, “Our goal is to become an African market reference for the Blockchain expertise.”

Hiruy Amanuel is a young investor and self-made entrepreneur who was the same investor that supported the establishment of Africa’s largest network of Software developers, C4A. C4A had helped train coders in Kenya, Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, and Ethiopia in the number of hundreds but wanted to do more. The cofounder Amadou Daffe had the vision to do something significant in the African Tech space which made him set out to find investors eventually crossing paths with the Ethiopian Hiruy Amanuel.  “We were brainstorming on how we could contribute to Africa’s destiny—Hiruy as an investor and I as a technologist. Hiruy mentioned that he had always wanted to build a school in Ethiopia. Being from Silicon Valley, it took me literally five minutes to sell him on why a software engineering academy coupled with a platform that would match graduates with clients would be extremely valuable in Ethiopia and duplicable across other African countries,” said Amadou.

In an interview, co-founder CEO Amadou Daffe’s comment further built the reputation of this tech revolution in Africa when he said: “Gebeya should resonate in the next five years as the best company to get tech talent from in Africa.” He also said he has implemented a business model to follow suit.

There was joint praise by Marvin Coleby the CEO of a Fintech company in Africa Gebeya’s effort. “Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies carry the potential to create economic and social independence for billions of Africans both on the continent and in the diaspora,” he said

He also said that Africa’s Blockchain community needs to grow some more for effective adoption of the technology can. He aired his belief that the effort of Gebeya in growing the community is one for the continent. “We’re lucky to be partners with a company building such a foundational aspect of Africa’s digital future,” Coleby concluded.

Shortly after the report of high demand for legal blockchain experts, Gebeya’s milestone has brought more light on the demand for blockchain IT professionals. Initiatives like Gebeya Inc.’s will not only produce well-grounded professionals but also meets the need of businesses’ and organizations’ access to a pool of candidates they can hire from. This is a trend to follow….

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