Qene Technologies announced the launch of FETA, the third installment in its ever-expanding portfolio. The company is a software development firm founded in 2016 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In 2018 they won the Apps Africa award for ‘Best News and Entertainment Solution’ with their game Kukulu. Their vision is to create games that inspire people to imagine the world not as it is, but as it could be.

Qene strives to raise the bar for the African gaming industry. With the help of compelling stories that have yet to be told, they are working to create an inclusive, self-sustaining gaming industry in the heart of Africa. “We are very excited to finally release this game and have plans to update the categories with more global content in the coming months following the release. We just wanted to build something light for our first iOS version game.” said Hiruy Amanuel (Qene Advisor)

The other games in Qene Technologies’ recent portfolio include Kukulu and Gebeta. Kukulu is their award-winning 3D mobile game. In this game, the player takes on the role of Kukulu, a brave chicken who must evade capture and slaughter in its mad dash through the magical lands of Ethiopia. Gebeta takes the simple age-old game of Mancala variation played in Ethiopia, and transforms it into a modern, lively and addictive mobile gaming experience.

Content retrieved from: https://techweez.com/2019/11/16/abiy-ahmed-mobile-game-feta/#:~:text=country%20of%20Eritrea.-,Dr.,as%20much%20as%20the%20puzzles..


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